Levidrome - Birthday Number 7

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Levidrome Birthday 7

Seven years already, and like the Energizer bunny, levidrome keeps on going.

It has been 7 years since the video was published to promote the levidrome cause.

We are still promoting the cause and this is the second article we have written in a month.

If one googles Levidrome, it is still making the news with the "Operation Levidrome" campaign against drugs in the UK.

Seven years and still going.

Levidrome, we've got this.

Another Youtube Video Promoting Levidrome

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Just checked for recent levidrome activity and came across this video titled "What is Levidrome?"

Good to see people are still spreading the word.

Hats off to Minute Mysteries for their video.

Levidrome, we've got this.