Intriguing title. Call Me Levidrome. For some reason when I hear that I think of the song "Call Me Mayby".
The word levidrome has been around now for over four years.
As such, a fan of this word could make a username called "levidrome" for their account somewhere.
This is definitely not far fetched. There is a twitter account called levidrome. There is a hashtag called #levidrome. There is levidrome@gmail.com on Google. When people play games, some people may use the word levidrome as their gaming ID. Watch Slither.io and see.
The levidrome.com domain is still owned by someone. The same with levidrome.ca and levidromes.com. Levidromelist.com too (by me of course). But the others, someone is still keeping up the domain name and paying to keep the domain registered and active. Imagine that. People are paying to keep the word levidrome alive.
That is just the username.
Dollars to donuts, I bet some people may be using levidrome as a password too. Why not? It is not a dictionary word, yet. It is unique enough. Nine letters. So for now, quite a secure password (just change it up a bit with special characters, etc).
Let's face it, people love the word "Levidrome".
And what's not to love? It is a cool word, and if you have been following the levidrome quest, it is a worthy word for this unique type of palindrome.
Call me Levidrome. Call me Maybe. Maybe Levidrome? This is crazy.
If not anything, I hope we left a song going in your head.
Go Levidrome!