Levidromes in the Wild

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Levidromes in the Wild

With the introduction of our latest tool to find levidromes, we decided to write a followup article about levidromes in the wild.

Levidromes are pretty cool. However, standing by themselves without their levidromic partner present, they are just ordinary words. For the most part, you wouldn't even give them a second glance when using them in normal writing or publishing. There are levidromes in most written publications, from the King James Bible, to the works of Shakespeare to the front page of the New York Times.

However, the true magic of a levidrome occurs when the matching pair of a levidrome sneaks onto the page. The closer to the matching pair, the more "magical".

Dennis sinned. Now that is a purist form of a levidrome pair. It is a complete sentence, composed only of levidromes. Not bad.

Not bad? Wait, if you didn't quite catch it, the words "Not Bad" are also both levidromes...not (ton) and bad (dab). Also a "purist" sentence, because both words are levidromes. However, the spark of the magic is somewhat diminished because their pairs were nowhere to be seen.

If a sentence has both pairs of the levidrome, it is truly a magical sentence. The "Whoa" factor.

If not in a sentence, then perhaps in a paragraph? If a paragraph has both pairs of a levidrome making their appearances, the magic is still there.

However, if the levidromic pairs appear way across a document from one another, it just becomes a "cool" moment, assuming that you found them. I suppose that is why the phenomenom of levidromes in the wild are difficult to spot. They are everywhere, but you need to be looking for them in order to make the connections.

Accidental placements of levidrome pairs are extraordinarily phenomenal, because that is when the magic really happens. The author unintentially uses both pairs of a levidrome close enough to each other that a wary reader will recognize them. Those are wild levidromes. No planning. No preparation. Just luck of the draw.

The levidrome finder tool we developed will help find those levidromes in the wild, and if their levidromic pair is in your text selection, then it will help you find those magical instances.

Phew, this article made me a bit stressed, I think I will flow down to the kitchen and wolf down some leftover desserts. Accidental levidromes? Ah ha, you caught me. But a double whammy levidromic pair in a single sentence? Too tempting to resist, and besides, what a great way to end this article on a doubly magical note. ;)

Levidrome Finder

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Levidrome Finder

We have introduced a new tool to help people find levidromes in various documents.

The tool is called Levidrome Finder. To used the tool you copy your text then paste it into the text box of the tool then click on "Find those Levidromes". The process will then seek out the language you have selected and find any matching levidromes. It will hilite the levidromes and mark them as bold if both pairs are in the same document. There is also a summary at the bottom of the results page with counts of all levidromes found.

The image we have in this article shows a snippet from the NYTimes text after we did a copy and paste of their website. From the December 16, 2018 web edition of the NY Times, our Levidrome finder found 185 levidromes from 1856 words from their website. Not bad. Ten percent of the front page on that day were levidromes! If we change the language selection to English-Insane, it is closer to 20 percent. And, there were also 4 levidrome pairs found as well (both partners of the levidrome pair). We think that is pretty exciting.

Try out our tool on other pages or on other documents. You will soon discover that we are all levidromists without even really trying.

Have fun, and #LEVIDROME

Let's make this happen!

Aside: This "Levidrome Finder" article had 26 levidromes. See if you can find them. Hint. Use the tool.

Shatner Tweets Jeopardy!

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Twitter tweet

On November 20, 2018 the gameshow Jeopardy! had a category called "Forwards & Backwards" (which can be seen here) which depicted similar answers you would find in the Levidrome game, Cryptic Clues. And guess what, the questions were levidromes.

This category did not go unnoticed by levidromists.

William Shatner noticed and posted a Tweet to Jeopardy! stating "Hey @Jeopardy you should change your category to #Levidrome It's a real word and less letters"

After not receiving a response, Shatner tweeted another Tweet to Jeopardy! stating "I believe today is the anniversary of suggesting that #Levidrome be put into the dictionary! Have we heard from @Jeopardy about this? Where's Trebek?" Jeopardy! responded with "Where's Trebek? He's trying to figure out how a 6-year-old might get a word in the dictionary before him!".

This story was picked up by some news outlets, particularly CTV News on November 29, 2018.

This is the sort of attention we need to see. Let's make this happen.