Changing our News Page to Blog-Style Pages

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Changing our News Page to Blog-Style Pages

We have been adding a number of articles about levidromes lately. Unfortunately, when adding articles to one page, it gets to be pretty big after a while. It also becomes difficult to determine when certain events occurred.

So we have decided to change the style of the Levidrome News page to that of a blog. Since blogs are normally chronological, we had to post-date a number of articles to a point in time when they occurred, some even before this website came into existence.

Another advantage of a blog style News section is it provides a very easy way of looking up the history of events. It makes it easier for someone to link to a particular article rather than a page with combined articles.

Levidrome in New York Times, Again!

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Levidrome in New York Times Again

The word levidrome appeared in the New York Times two consecutive months in a row.

William Shatner, an advocate for getting the word levidrome recognized by the Oxford Dictionary, recently posted this tweet on his Twitter page. Essentially, the New York Times printed an article about the word levidrome in their Sunday printed edition on July 29, 2018 (you can see the article here). There was an error in the article about Levi's hometown.

Levidrome in New York Times Again

So on August 25, 2018 the NY Times published a correction. The correction which was in the Kids section of the Sunday NY Times stated:


An article in the July 29 kids section about how words get into the dictionary gave the incorrect hometown for Levi Budd, who coined the word "levidrome." He lives in Victoria, British Columbia, not Vancouver.

As William Shatner pointed out in his tweet:

Hello @OxfordWords! I wanted to point out the word #levidrome was used in the @nytimes today. That's a pretty amazing journey from not being a word a year ago. (thumbs up)

Levidrome, and Its Word Family

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Levidrome and its word family

The goal of this website is to acknowledge the word levidrome. Once it becomes recognized, not only will levidrome become a word but also its word family?

What is a word family?

It is a "a group of related words that are formed from the same word"

Using palindrome as a basis, here is a complete list of words which will be created once the popular dictionaries accepts and acknowledges the word levidrome. Please contact us if you believe we missed something.

Word Family for Levidrome

  1. levidrome
  2. levidromes
  3. levidrome's
  4. levidromist
  5. levidromists
  6. levidromist's
  7. levidromic
  8. levidromical
  9. levidromically

Levidrome Wordsearch Puzzle

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Levidrome List Word Search Puzzle

What can you do if you have a list of words, especially cool levidromes? Words and word search puzzles go hand in hand. Check out our recent addition to our website, the Levidrome Word Search Puzzle.

It changes every time you refresh the page, so come back often if you enjoy word searches!