Seven years already, and like the Energizer bunny, levidrome keeps on going. It has been 7 years ...(Read More)
Levidrome - Birthday Number 7

Here at our Levidrome News section we will publish or link to existing articles or news stories about levidromes. You could almost call it Levidrome Central. If you have any interesting articles or links, feel free to contact us. We will be happy to add the information on our pages.
It will also serve as chronology of the events as it follows Levi's quest in making levidrome an accepted word by the popular dictionaries (Oxford, Merriam-Webster, etc.).
Seven years already, and like the Energizer bunny, levidrome keeps on going. It has been 7 years ...(Read More)
Just checked for recent levidrome activity and came across this video titled "What is Levidrome?" Good to ...(Read More)
Six years already, and levidrome is still going strong. It has been 6 years since the video ...(Read More)
Operation Levidrome has appeared twice already on Reddit's Photoshop Battles, in 2018 as well as in ...(Read More)
Levidrome vs Semordnilap Some people say a word already exists to fit the definition of a word ...(Read More)
Even though we focus primarily on levidromes we introduced palindromes back in 2020. So every ...(Read More)
Year 2023 is starting, and the Levidrome List website is still going strong supporting the levidrome ...(Read More)
Five years! Wow, time has flown by! It has been 5 years since the video was ...(Read More)
Levidromes hit the main stage over four years ago. When it did, there was an ...(Read More)
Intriguing title. Call Me Levidrome. For some reason when I hear that I think ...(Read More)
We have been following levidrome since the idea first came out a number of years ago. ...(Read More)
Today is February 22, 2022. If we have a date format of mm/dd/yyyy, a common ...(Read More)
First post of the year. 2022! Wow, writing it down make it sound so ... futuristic. The journey continues ...(Read More)
Today is December 2, 2021. If we have a date format of mm/dd/yyyy, a common ...(Read More)
Operation Levidrome 2 on reddit's photoshopbattles ran for 2 weeks between October 14 to October 28, ...(Read More)
Levidrome is hitting Reddit again in the Photoshopbattles community. They ran their first Levidrome Operation ...(Read More)
Today marks the 4th birthday for the initial Levidrome video posted by Levi and his father. In ...(Read More)
Back in January, 2019, we wrote an article about Billidromes. It was suggested by William ...(Read More)
We have stumbled upon a really good article about levidromes by Emily Fagan from Capital Daily. ...(Read More)
Break out your VR headsets, because Levidromes have just gone virtual. For Christmas, we received a VR ...(Read More)
A fellow levidromist pointed me in this direction for this article - poetry. Not just ...(Read More)
When we first started this website, we wanted to publish all known levidromes. We started ...(Read More)
Today is February 12, 2021. If we have a date format of dd/mm/yyyy, which is ...(Read More)
Our first post of the new year. Happy New Year to all. We have added a ...(Read More)
Back in 2018, we wrote an article called More Levidromes words. Our new article could ...(Read More)
Three years ago today, Oxford Dictionaries responded to a tweet from William Shatner about the word ...(Read More)
Levidromes should be in the news again today? Today marks the 3rd birthday for the ...(Read More)
As a computer geek, I dabble a bit in different programming languages and development kits. ...(Read More)
I hate to sound like I live in a bubble, but I live in a bubble. Tagalog. ...(Read More)
Another levidrome video hits YouTube. Hats off to youtuber Pinay sa Canada for creating her "Palindromes and ...(Read More)
What's this? Do I see palindromes as a main heading...on a levidrome site? Well, yes you ...(Read More)
The physical levidrome. What does that even mean? Well, a lot of what you see on ...(Read More)
February 2, 2020 can be written as 02/02/2020, or 2020/02/02, 02-02-2020 or 2020-02-02. Now remove some dashes ...(Read More)
This website was started after we were inspired by the video about levidromes posted by Levi ...(Read More)
Our website has been mobile friendly since we launched. However, effective today, we are Mobile ...(Read More)
We crunched the data - the Complete Works of William Shakespeare - and came up with ...(Read More)
Happy 2nd Birthday levidrome! The quest officially began 2 years ago. We at think of ...(Read More)
William Shatner, a celebrity advocate for levidromes, tweeted to OxfordWords on October 5, 2019 Hey @OxfordWords ...(Read More)
Another levidrome video hits YouTube. Hats off to Dominic Fayard for creating his "Naming Twins" video. ...(Read More)
We are slowly approaching the 2 year point from when the Levidrome video hit YouTube. ...(Read More)
The Australian National Dictionary Centre had a Ozwords competition on Twitter on May 9, 2019. Here is ...(Read More)
Back in November of 2018 we created a couple of games. Well in actuality, it ...(Read More)
Is Levidrome a Game to You? Loaded question. The answer is no... and yes. ...(Read More)
When the Oxford and Webster dictionaries decide to accept the word levidrome into their dictionaries, we ...(Read More)
For our first article in 2019 we figure we put together a writeup to acknowledge a ...(Read More)
With the introduction of our latest tool to find levidromes, we decided to write a followup ...(Read More)
We have introduced a new tool to help people find levidromes in various documents. The tool is ...(Read More)
On November 20, 2018 the gameshow Jeopardy! had a category called "Forwards & Backwards" (which can ...(Read More)
...the category wasn't levidromes. Jeopardy! had their Teen Tournament games between November 7 and November ...(Read More)
I think this is the quickest sequel in the history of games. We modified the ...(Read More)
We have adding another game to our site. Enjoy our adaption of the standard memory ...(Read More)
Have you ever had an "AH HA!" moment? The moment when the light bulb goes ...(Read More)
Cindy E. Harnett published an article in the Times Colonist titled "Latest word on levidrome: Oxford ...(Read More)
Operation Levidrome on reddit's photoshopbattles ran for 2 weeks between September 27 to October 10, 2018. ...(Read More)
We expanded our lists by adding the Hindi and Afrikaans languages. We came across some ...(Read More)
Well it looks like levidrome is hitting the news again. Not only did we publish ...(Read More)
Happy Birthday levidrome! We consider your birth date October 9th, 2017 when your YouTube video ...(Read More)
The quest to get the word levidrome recognized by the dictionaries started almost one year ago. ...(Read More)
Levidromes are pretty cool. They are magical. We have compiled a list of fun ...(Read More)
Levidrome has hit Reddit in a big way. Reddit is a discussion group with images ...(Read More)
We are proud to have an extensive list of levidromes. We are proud to be ...(Read More)
We have found another creative use for a list of words and in our particular case ...(Read More)
The word levidrome makes its second appearance in the Urban Dictionary. The entry was submitted ...(Read More)
We have been adding a number of articles about levidromes lately. Unfortunately, when adding articles ...(Read More)
The word levidrome appeared in the New York Times two consecutive months in a row. William Shatner, ...(Read More)
The goal of this website is to acknowledge the word levidrome. Once it becomes recognized, ...(Read More)
What can you do if you have a list of words, especially cool levidromes? Words ...(Read More)
In the Sunday's New York Times (July 29, 2018, printed edition), an article was published by ...(Read More)
Hats off to Rob Wise, Eugene Arkhipov and Renan Aguiar for adapting the popular Hangman game ...(Read More)
We expanded our lists by adding the Latin language. We came across a good wordlist ...(Read More)
A podcast appeared on Victoria This Week, featuring stories about life in Victoria, BC. Three ...(Read More)
William Shatner noticed the Phillips Brewing Co Levidrome Lager, and he tweets his approval with a ...(Read More)
Phillips Brewing & Malting Co. located in Victoria, BC has produced a beer in recognition of ...(Read More)
Mr. Richey from Rogers and Strawberry Vale School had created The Levidrome Challenge earlier in the ...(Read More)
The Oxford Dictionary posts an article on their blog titled "You say 'Super Bowl', I Say ...(Read More)
The Victoria News Website published an excellent summary of Levi's journey titled "Levidrome slides into everyday ...(Read More)
Mr. Richey at Rogers and Strawberry Vale schools started a contest and posted a bulletin board ...(Read More)
Here is a Video News clip of the quest to get Levidrome recognized. (Published Jan ...(Read More)
A really detailed submission of the word levidrome made it into the Wiktionary. The entry ...(Read More)
Here is the CTV News article which was published on the CTV News website. We ...(Read More)
A Levidrome Song, published on YouTube by Lola Parks on Jan 1, 2018. Enjoy ...(Read More)
When we launched our site on November 23, 2017, we only had English levidromes. However, ...(Read More)
The Today website catches the story and encourages people to start using the word. The ...(Read More)
The Oxford Dictionary posts an article on their blog titled "Weekly Word Watch: levidrome, Oumuamua, and ...(Read More)
Oxford responsed with a quick YouTube video from Rebecca, an editor at Oxford Dictionaries, published on ...(Read More)
We saw the video of Levi's quest, and were inspired. We figured we could help ...(Read More)
The Toronto Star publishes the story of Levi and his invented word. They mention about ...(Read More)
The word levidrome started to become popular at the end of 2017. When an idea ...(Read More)
Another celebrity likes levidromes. Olympic gold-medalist Simon Whitfield also recognized the word Levidrome, and tweets ...(Read More)
The word levidrome is submitted into the Merriam-Webster Open Dictionary by an anonymous user on November ...(Read More)
Oxford dictionary was approached by high profile celebrity William Shatner. His tweet which can be ...(Read More)
The word levidrome appears in the Urban Dictionary. The entry was submitted on November 3, ...(Read More)
This appears to be the first article which appeared on the internet after Levi's video appeared ...(Read More)
A Levidrome: a word that spells another word when spelled backwards! Let's get this word into ...(Read More)
If you watched the video of Levi in the back seat of the car asking about ...(Read More)